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Michelle Wheatley

--------- BA (hons), MSc, QTS, Anat Baniel Method®         NeuroMovement®Practitioner

Michelle Wheatley is a certified practitioner in ABM®NeuroMovement®, Children with special needs, and Vitality and Anti-aging, along with two further mentoring programs with Anat Baniel, she is also trained as an online coach. Michelle has a background in education and worked as a primary/elementary teacher in the UK, USA and Asia for over 10 years. She is a mental health first aider and has an MSC in Psychology.
Through looking for help for her son, who has complex needs, Michelle found the ABM® NeuroMovement® method and after visiting the centre in San Rafael and meeting Anat Baniel, she joined the training 2 months later.   
As Michelle too has a child with complex needs she is passionate about teaching, advising and coaching, to improve the lives of exceptional children and their families.


Michelle Wheatley  
Anat Baniel Method® Neuromovement® Practitioner - Isle of Wight

Whether you are in good health or have a limiting diagnoses, this method gives you tools to make positive changes in your life.

The Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) NeuroMovement® is a gentle whole body, science-based approach that helps people of all ages to move, learn and think better, to overcome limitations and improve performance.


This cutting edge method helps people develop the skills to upgrade functioning in their body and brain. Through ABM® NeuroMovement® new neural connections are made, creating more possibilities for movement and cognition as well as emotional and mental well-being. 

Stroke survivor

Stroke survivor

Michelle and Anat

Michelle and Anat

Training at the Scandinavian Center of Neurodevelopmental Movement

Training at the Scandinavian Center of Neurodevelopmental Movement

Lessons San Rafael

Lessons San Rafael

Lessons San Rafael

Lessons San Rafael

Michelle & Evan with Anat

Michelle & Evan with Anat

Healing Festival IOW

Healing Festival IOW

ABM Neuromovement

Anat Baniel trained by Moshe Feldenkrais himself, worked alongside him and taught future practitioners. Anat Baniel extended and evolved the Feldenkrais method to developed ABM®. NeuroMovement®. With decades of experience she uncovered the 9 essentials that are key to the brain developing and learning, enabling positive brain change.

‘Movement is the language of the brain’ Anat Baniel


ABM® NeuroMovement® is a holistic way of looking at how our development impacts who we are. While considering how the musculoskeletal system moves through space, this method looks at more than body mechanics, it acknowledges the relationship between our body and brain and how thoughts, emotions and feelings can manifest in our body and impact our nervous system. The holistic approach focuses on the health of the nervous system, and the connection between it and the brain. Rather than focusing on a restricted area of the body or trying to achieve a specific outcome through repetitive actions, ABM® NeuroMovement® practitioners analyse how a person’s whole system is working, meaning a wide range of outcomes becomes possible.

Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Origins

ABM® NeuroMovement® Lessons

More about

ABM® with Michelle


Would you like to learn about ABM® NeuroMovement® through Online coaching?


Primary School Teacher

Find out about incorporating Abm and the 9 essentials into your school. Email

Wellbeing Program

Need a wellbeing program for a business or a residential care home? Email

ABM® NeuroMovement® Mindful Movement Lessons for Children

Using gentle touch and movement, Michelle Wheatley, Mindful Movement,  ABM® NeuroMovement® practitioner, helps provide the brain and nervous system with the conditions and information required for it to fill in any gaps it may have in its understanding of itself and the body it controls.

Meeting your child where they are in their learning and development, Michelle will customise the lesson to suit your child and their needs, building their skills from where they currently are. Working with the 9 essentials, Michelle will help provide the environment for your child to differentiate and notice subtle changes in their body, enabling the brain to map and form new neural connections.   

ABM® NeuroMovement® Mindful Movement Lessons for Adults

Using gentle touch and guided movement, Michelle Wheatley,Mindful Movement, ABM® NeuroMovement® practitioner, provides the brain and nervous system with the conditions and information required for it to fill in any gaps it may have in its understanding of itself and the body it controls.

Meeting you where you are whether that is in relatively good health, recovering from illness or injury or aches and pains, Michelle will customise the lesson to suit your needs. Michelle will work with you to give you the tools to make the impossible feel possible once again.    

Would you like to:

·    relieve pain

·    recover from an injury

·    increase your flexibility

·    improve balance

Would you like to:

·    move with greater ease

·    reduce stress

·    enhance sense of well being


ABM® NeuroMovement® Mindful Movement Lessons for groups

Group Lessons are called Transformational Movement Lessons (TML) 

Taught through a series of guided instructions, laying on the floor, in a chair, standing or kneeling, students are encouraged to bring attention to their movements, observing subtle differences.

These Mindful Movement Lessons can lead to transformational outcomes, pain relief, increased flexibility and stability, improving existing skills and the acquisition of new ones, cognitive improvement and clarity, vitality and well being.


ABM NeuroMovement® Coaching sessions 


Online Coaching Sessions. 

Would you like to be coached at home in the 9 essentials? 

Are there areas of homelife that you would like discuss?

Would you like positive changes in your life?

Working via a video call with parent/caregiver and child; An adult and caregiver; or 1 adult.

  • Who is ABM Neuromovement for?
    ABM Neuromovement is for any age - newborn babies to the elderly; and for any ability or condition, from those with limited movement through to athletes and those in their prime. With this method the body is reminded or taught how to move optimally. Your brain is influenced and shaped by what you do and this method gives you the right environment (The nine essentials) for you to learn new information, for cognitive, emotional and physical changes to happen. It is possible at any age to create new neural pathways.
  • What should I wear?
    Please wear comfortable clothes that you can move in and wear or bring socks.
  • Where are the lessons?
    Lessons are online; 1:1 in your home or holiday home on the Isle of Wight; or another mutually agreed location.
  • When are the lessons?
    1:1 intensives are during school term time between 9:30 - 2:30. E.g. Lesson 1 = 10am Lesson 2 = 1pm Occasionally, 1:1 intensives are available over the school holidays- look out for these advertised on the website and facebook, or sign up for the newsletter to be kept up to date about lesson availability. Groups in person-please contact for available times. Groups online-please contact for available times. Online coaching - please contact for available times.
  • What conditions can ABM Neuromovement help with?
    ADD/ADHD Autism Spectrum Disorder Birth defects Birth Injuries Brain injury/Stroke Genetic disorders Learning disabilities Neurological conditions Neuromuscular conditions Undiagnosed developmental delay ​ Arthritis and joint pain Balance and coordination issues Brain injury/Stroke Chronic back, neck and shoulder pain General aches and pains Less flexibility Neurological conditions Neuromuscular conditions Rehabilitation and recovery from trauma/illness/injury Repetitive stress injuries Aging related symptoms
  • How much are the lessons?
    Individual lessons start from £45. Please email to find out more.

What people are saying...


"I find the quality of the lessons on par with the centre in San Rafael."

"We so enjoyed coming here. S responds very well to you and I find the quality of lessons on par with the centre in San Rafael."  Mummy of Miss S. 

"Would highly recommend."

"Michelle is an absolute gem - she is personable, professional and as an ABM therapist, she's our favourite. She works so well with our son, she's a joy with him. We often see improvements after intensives with her, and it's so nice to take the time away at the Isle of Wight as a family. Would highly recommend, she's the best!"  Mikaere's mummy

"I sleep better!"

"I felt incredibly at ease and relaxed throughout as well as being well informed about the therapy. After lessons with Michelle, I sleep better! My digestion is better. I breathe more deeply, I feel less stressed and the aches in my knee and neck have disappeared." Abi                     

"She has her wiggle jiggle back!"

​"She has her wiggle jiggle back! 

Rolling again, front to back.

Reaching while on her tummy.

Attempting to crawl!" Parent of a 3 year old. 

"(The lessons) make me feel good!"

"I like them (the lessons) they make me feel good. Afterwards my body feels better. I have made progress. Michelle is excellent." Bob- a stroke survivor.

"I have less pain!"

"Most relaxing, informative and useful. 

I have less pain in my right arm." Jacqueline C. -Torn rotator cuff. 

"Digestion, speech, feeding and sleep are drastically improved."

"Wonderful! I have never seen Annabelle so comfortable and happy moving. Your ability to read her is Amazing. 

She is stronger in her legs, core lower and middle back. Arms crossing midline and chin tuck occurring more regularly. 

Digestion, speech, feeding and sleep are drastically improved."  Mum to a 15th old with cerebral palsy and dystonia.                  

"..more smiles and cooing.."

"He is doing so much better so much happier, no more getting his head stuck, lifting his arms higher, more smiles and cooing and definitely using his vision more. I am so pleased."  Mummy of infant Sam.  

In the Media

In the media!

Read about Baby Shiloh Kasongo. 

A blog post written by Elly for Team Mikaere.  Bringing awareness to Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia (NKH).

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