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Michelle Wheatley

Blogging Mum to a child with Special Needs,
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®Practitioner/coach, Former Primary School Teacher and so much more!


My name is Michelle Wheatley, I now reside in the south of England, on the Isle of Wight.

I lived in the UK and Spain as a child and my vocation as a Primary/Elementary School teacher enabled me to work not only in the UK, but also the USA, and China. I have also travelled to many more countries for holidays, work, to become a mum (again) and for therapy for my son.

I have been a mum for more than half of my life! My eldest has flown the nest and is travelling the world! My middle child has complex needs and has led me to become a Neuromovement practitioner and to write a blog. My youngest child is full of life and energy and keeps me on my toes!  

I loved being a primary school teacher, learning and working with children. However, when my son was diagnosed with profound and complex needs, through looking for help for him, I found the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® and after visiting the centre in San Rafael and meeting Anat Baniel, I joined the training 2 months later.


As a certified ABM® NeuroMovement® method practitioner I work with children and adults of all ages. (I am also certified in 'Children with special needs', and 'Vitality and Anti-aging') I stay current and uptodate and have also completed further mentoring programs with Anat Baniel as well as training as an online coach. You can find out more about my work and lessons with me here. 

Since working with many different families and chatting with them about different areas of raising a child with special needs I have found more and more that I have a wealth of knowledge and experience as a parent that I can share with others.

I am a mental health first aider and have an MSC in Psychology.

During studying, I found myself brimming with ideas of topics I wanted to write about. I couldn't wait to finish the masters so I could find time to start writing!

After a few posts on facebook sites and copious amounts in notebooks (you should see my bookshelf, I have so many notebooks!) I decided that I should bring all of my posts, past and future to one place.    And so 'A Special Needs Blog' was born.

I am passionate about teaching, advising, and advocating, to improve the lives of exceptional children and their families. I am glad you have found me and I hope that this website, and blogs are of interest and use to you.

If you would like to contact me send me an email:

Michelle Wheatley

Blogging Mum to a child with Special Needs,
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®Practitioner/coach, Former Primary School Teacher.

I could also add to this list, chef, dietitian, nurse, chauffeur, personal assistant, therapist and much more, as the role of a Special Needs Mum is endless.....

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